What makes you happy?

I’m not that complicated.  I don’t need fancy jewelry and nice cars to make me happy.  I like the simple things in life. crazy mom 80

What makes you happy??

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19 Responses to What makes you happy?

  1. I’ve never been a jewelry person either. I also thrive on hugs and homemade things. My treat when the kids are sleeping is dark chocolate, and sometimes wine. 🙂

  2. I really like spending quality time with my family and when I can see the happiness in my children. I didn’t have much of that growing up so those reminders really allow me to see how much happier my children are than I was. It really makes me feel good inside 🙂 of course ice cream when they are sleeping is a huge plus too!

  3. Valerie says:

    Music, creating things, hearing/seeing our children laugh! 😀 Life is good.

  4. sillyliss says:

    A nap on the couch while the kids play quietly around me. It happens! Well, it happened once. And it was lovely.

  5. mummyshymz says:

    Seeing my children happy. And getting cards all drawn with a pink highlighter pen saying “I love you mummy”.

  6. Anka says:

    Cuddle time with my babies make me happy too. And of course, my morning cup of coffee! 🙂

  7. lexiesnana says:

    Playing with the kids,making them tired,then watching them sleep.Glorious…………….

  8. Brittany says:

    Every night we have dessert after the kids go to bed or they eat it all!!

  9. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.

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